Spring naar IRC -servers en IRC -netwerken - IRC is op het client -servermodel gebaseerd. Dit wil zeggen dat een gewone IRC - gebruiker met een . Overzicht van gratis te downloaden IRC client software. Hiermee kunt u chatten met andere IRC gebruikers. AdiIRC - Free IRC Client. Stats - See how many users are connecting to your network in real-time.
IceChat is a fully feature simple to use IRC Client allowing you to chat online with your friends and for meeting new people as well. HydraIRC is an IRC client that was designed to make the whole IRC experience as easy and painless as possible. It comes with features like ane asy . AndroIRC is your new IRC client ! IRCCloud is a modern IRC client that keeps you connecte with none of the baggage. Stay synced and notified wherever you are with our web and mobile . Waartaa is an open source communication and collaboration tool.
It is an IRC client focussed to overcome the subtle disadvantages of existing clients. Your window manager, your terminal emulator, your remote connection, your terminal multiplexer, your IRC bouncer, your IRC adapter. Slack IRC client is a node. IRC client with an emphasis on providing dynamic views into the model of your IRC connections. Traditionally, chat clients on the Mac have been anything but glamorous.
LimeChat is an IRC client for Mac OS X. One window for multiple servers. Rich keyboard shortcuts for your comfortable operations. An IRC client is the vehicle that connects you to the global network of IRC servers.
A variety of applications are available, so, whether you are on Windows, Linux . Feeling the need to have a trivial IRC client usable in a tmux session on remote servers I wrote irc. CIRC is an IRC client in the form of a packaged Chrome app. It uses chrome APIs to implement features not found in other web IRC clients: . It allows you to chat on the go in the same way as you do on desktop.
To use the IRC client library, first create a connection with irc-connect. People from all over the world connect to QuakeNet to communicate, organise and hang out and you can. Gebruikers zien namenlijk van elkaar. ClicksAndWhistles is a free IRC client for Windows.
Written by Trench and HappyCrappy, was a script for the IrcII client. A debt of gratitude is . WeeChat, the extensible chat client. Internet Relay Chat client ) een programma waarmee men direkt met andere Internet gebruikers kan communiceren. Full-featured IRC plugin: multi-servers, proxy support, IPv SASL authentication, nicklist, DCC, and many other features.
BitlBee brings IM (instant messaging) to IRC clients. IRCvcompatible client library using tokio and futures. In addition to being a general chatroom about Wookieepedia, Star Wars, and various other subjects, . Mibbit is a fully featured IRC Client. Allowing you to interact realtime with your friends. Chat, play games, colaborate on projects together and more.
The K-Visual IRC client. KVIrc is a free portable IRC client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit. KVirc is being written by Szymon Stefanek and the . This document covers installing and using HexChat, a popular and easy to use IRC client.

Alternative clients include:.
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